Magnetic Compass JUPITER & NAVIPOL
Reliable Navigation
Reliable Navigation
Sperry Marine is a recognised leading supplier of magnetic compass systems and accessories for the marine industry. The magnetic compass systems of Sperry Marine meet the extreme marine and weather conditions and include aluminium alloy binnacles and the JUPITER Flat Glass Magnetic Compass.
Unmatched Precision
Robust Durability
Flexible Integration
Sperry Marine manufactures and supplies its magnetic compasses and binnacles. The wide range of equipment offered by the comprehensive Sperry Marine Magnetic Compass Systems includes aluminium alloy binnacles, the JUPITER magnetic flat glass compass, a flux-gate pick-off with an integrated sine/cosine interface, bypass arrangements, azimuth devices and magnetic compass autopilots (TMC). All of these products are manufactured to high standards for highly reliable navigation.
NAVIPOL Magnetic Compass Binnacles
JUPITER Flat Glass Magnetic Compass
Universal Digital Repeater
The magnetic compass can be used either stand-alone or in combination with any of the gyro compass systems.
Easy to Install
Type-Approved Reliability
Seamless System Compatibility
Global Service Network
Extended Operational Efficiency
We can install our products on older vessels and into existing bridges.
Sperry Marine manufactures the legendary JUPITER magnetic flat glass compass and its own aluminium alloy binnacles. NAVIPOL models include the NAVIPOL I steering and bearing compass reflector binnacle with a by-pass arrangement, NAVIPOL II bearing compass binnacle, NAVIPOL III steering and bearing compass binnacle with window.
All binnacles are supplied with a JUPITER Magnetic Compass, a dimmer and B, C, D and Flinder's bar correctors. Optional features included a protective cover, set of additional B and C compensating magnets and azimuth device PV 24. Read more about the JUPITER Magnetic Compass.
A wide range of Marine Magnetic Compass system products are manufactured by Sperry Marine, including a flux-gate pick-off with an integrated sine/cosine interface, by-pass arrangements, azimuth devices and magnetic compass autopilots (TMC).
All products are manufactured to Sperry Marine’s world-renowned high standards.
The Magnetic Compass meets ISO 449 standards and is type approved in accordance with the EC Council Directive 96 / 98 / EC. Further type approvals for many other countries are available.
The JUPITER compass may be installed in all NAVIPOL binnacles and its accuracy is better than 0.5°. Options for the JUPITER include: flux-gate pickoff, shadow pin, wooden transport box, replacement parts kit, azimuth device.
The Universal Digital Repeater, in conjunction with a Sperry Marine fluxgate sensor, fitted to a compatible magnetic compass and in combination with NAVITWIN IV and/or NAVIPILOT 4000, indicates the corrected magnetic compass heading. The Universal Digital Repeater is available as a console version and in a watertight housing with bracket attachment and is Type-approved in accordance with the Marine Equipment Directive (MED) 96/98/EC.
For inquiries, professional advice, or to place an order, our team is available to assist you.