Current maritime industry trends see a continued growth in the use of digital data, higher levels of integration of navigation equipment and increased use of ship-to-shore connectivity, and this results in the potential emergence of new cyber threats. The carriage of ECDIS, use of Integrated Navigation Systems and the adoption of eNavigation all require an increased emphasis on cyber risk management in order to maintain safe operation of vessels at sea.

The increased awareness of cyber issues within the maritime industry has led vessel operators to re-assess the impact of cyber threats on their operations. Vessel operators need to better understand the cyber maturity of their marine navigation equipment providers, their system integrators and of the marine service companies that maintain such equipment.

Sperry Marine draws on a considerable knowledgebase to guide the deployment of cyber-resilient solutions. This includes our parent organisation, Northrop Grumman, which is the leading high-end cybersecurity provider to the US Federal Government. The services of third-party security organisations are used when needed.

Sperry Marine’s approach to cyber resilience is one of Defence in Depth - involving physical, technical and procedural defences. We are committed to embedding a culture of awareness within our organisation to ensure that cyber risks are managed through the delivery of secure systems. At Sperry Marine, cyber resilience is achieved through a full-lifecycle approach, involving all stakeholders. This includes secure designs for the deployment, operation and maintenance of the equipment we supply.  Underpinning all of this is our commitment to ensure a resilient supply chain, integrity of the people we employ and work with and a secure and resilient infrastructure. Download our Whitepaper on “Managing Cyber Risk” to learn more about how to comply with the IMO Resolution MSC.428(98) on “Maritime Cyber Risk Management in Safety Management Systems”.

The Cyber Essentials scheme, which was launched by the UK Government in 2014 and is part of the Government’s National Cyber Security Strategy, involves an independent assessment of security controls that businesses need to have in place to mitigate risks from common cyber threats. By taking part in this Cyber Essential assessment, organisations are able to demonstrate to customers and partners that they have taken vital precautions to combat today’s internet-borne threats.


To download our current Cyber Essentials certificate please click the above icon or use this link.

The Customer Feedback form on this website provides a method to report cyber security issues by selecting the ‘Cyber Security’ option.